Sunday, October 31, 2010

The LOOK!!!

We had a fabulous Halloween, but I will post more about that later. There are much more pressing matters at hand. My salvation!

We worried that we wouldn't make it to church on time today because my new bed loves me so much that I didn't wake up until 10:00. Ahhhhhhh! However, after much scurrying and rushing we made it, and on time no less. Quite an accomplishment! If I am teaching Amanda nothing else, I am teaching her how to get ready quickly.

We sat behind the cutest little family with 2 boys ages approximately 3 years and 9 months. I was playing with the baby a little bit by pulling faces at him and patting his hands. We were both pretty happy with that arrangement. But all good things must come to an end and his mom had to take him out to change him. Cue the older brother...

We started off innocently enough by sharing fruit snacks with him. Then Amanda's pocket calendar caught his eye. Knowing that Amanda would be upset if he took this, I quickly made a paper beak for him. Not wanting Amanda to feel left out, I made one for her as well. The boy's hand proved to be too small to make the beak open and close so he handed it back to me. Let the fun begin! That crazy beak chomped on his fingers, his nose, his ear, his cheek and his chin. All of this was met with quiet little giggles that progressively got a little louder. Next, the beak turned into a hat and sat on his head. This was met by a little squeal and he knocked the hat off his head. This action proved to change the rules of the game. Sensing that he didn't really like the hat, the beak came back. However, the response was the same as it was for the hat. He quickly swatted the beak away and was quite please with himself for doing so. Of course he wasn't afraid to voice it. After a few more attempts and close to raucous laughter, the moment came.....

Amanda taps my shoulder, give me the look and commands in quite a firm voice, "Mom, STOP!" The mother of the little boy got a better view of "the look" than I did, and she quickly turned away. By the shaking of her shoulders I could tell that she was laughing about as hard as I was.

And there you have it. I was officially chastised by my 6 year old for inappropriate church behavior! I won't be surprised if she doesn't let us sit by that cute little family again.


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Amanda my dear, you have no idea how much I am lovin you right now!!!! GOOD JOB! I'm very proud that you were able to be the mother of your mother!! Watch out Kathy, your teenager could come quicker than you think!! ;) Love ya both!

  2. Well, somebody needs to act like a grownup. :)
