Ask yourself, "If I were Amanda, how would I kick off my 6th birthday?" By waking up your mother (who is most definitely NOT A MORNING PERSON) at 6:17 am. Those of you who know me realize that this is a full hour before I would drag myself out of bed to get to work. However, it was a really good thing that she did because we just barely got everything done in time. We didn't get plans coordinated until late Sunday evening so we had to start the day with a trip to the grocery store. Not exactly the most celebratory or festive way to start a birthday, but necessary nonetheless. Can't have a birthday without cake and ice cream, right?
Next came the presents! She made out pretty well. I can't decide if she's just hit that stage that all kids go though when they know they're getting their picture taken and pull a face that in their mind is just a perfect smile, or if she's channeling her inner Grandma Bennett. Check out the pictures and you decide.

My mom used to always let us choose a cut-out cake for our birthdays, and I thought this was a great tradition to carry on. However, I'm not as good of a cake decorator as my mother so I rope Amanda into helping decorate. Amanda chose a cat cake this year. I thought it turned out pretty cute.

However, this is a lot of cake so we had to get some reinforcements in to help us eat it. My friends Melanie and Mark were happy to come over with 2 of their kids, Mathew & Malinda to help us out. Granted, we still have birthday cake left.
Amanda then spent the next hour playing with Mathew and the walkie-talkies that I found when I cleaned the house. If I would have only known, I wouldn't have needed to go through the bother and expense of buying gifts. That was all we had time for because she got to go over to her dad's house to have Happy Birthday Part 2.
Regardless, it was a fun day and I'm sure she had a great time! I'm still trying to figure out where 6 years have gone... Can't remember what life was like before she came along and that's really good thing!
Love the update and's amazing to see her and how she's growing. Terrific looking cake....was it as tasty as it looked?
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ReplyDeleteThis young lady is quite the model. Looooooove the cake, and wondering when I might see the lovely young lady to give her a gift of my own. Of course, at the time, I am currently unable to find my way down to your lovely home, so a visit to my accomidations might be in order? :P Happy birthday cuz!! Love ya bunches!!
ReplyDeleteYour cake looks amazing! And now I really want to make and eat a cake... Probably not the best for the diet... Glad Amanda had such a great time! And some of those pictures definitely make me think there's some genetic inheritance from Grandma Bennett going on...